Re: Latest Guideline 1.2 proposal, minor proposed changes to Guideline 1.1

Comments are interpolated below.
Wendy Chisholm writes:
 >    1. For all non-text content that is functional, such as graphical 
 > links or buttons, text alternatives identify the purpose or function of 
 > the non-text content.
 >    2. For all non-text content that is used to convey information, text 
 > alternatives convey the same information.
 >       Note: for multimedia, this means transcripts are provided.
 >    3. For non-text content that is intended to create a specific sensory 
 > experience, such as music or visual art, text alternatives identify and 
 > describe the non-text content.
 >    4. [deleted]
The remaining criteria should be renumbered accordingly.
 >    5. Non-text content that does not provide information, functionality, 
 > sensory experience, is marked such that it can be ignored by assistive 
 > technology.
should be "or sensory experience"
 >    6. Any text alternatives provided are explicitly associated with 
 > non-text content.

Should be "with the non-text content". In other words, they have to be
explicitly associated with the non-text content to which they provide
alternatives; it is not sufficient for them to be associated with just
any non-text content.

 >    7. For live audio-only or live video-only content, such as internet 
 > radio or webcams, text alternatives describe the purpose of the 
 > presentation or alternative real-time content is linked to, such as 
 > traffic reports for a traffic webcam

Perhaps expand "webcam" to "Web camera" or "live camera" or something
more self-explanatory/easily translatable.
 >       Note: real-time content does not imply real-time captions.
 >       Ednote: This is similar to #1 above, yet it seems we need to 
 > specifically address  audio-only and video-only content to avoid confusion.
 > Level 2
 > Level 3
 >    1. For multimedia content, a combined transcript of audio 
 > descriptions and captions is provided.
 > Guideline 1.2 Provide synchronized alternatives for multimedia
 > Level 1
 >    1. Captions are provided for prerecorded multimedia.
 >    2. Audio descriptions are provided for prerecorded multimedia.
 >    3. If multimedia content is rebroadcast from another medium, the 
 > accessibility features required by policy for that medium are intact.

Should we simplify this by eliminating the live/prerecorded
distinction and allowing people who can't caption/audio describe live
(or for that matter prerecorded) multimedia to scope it out of their
conformance claims? This option is still on the table and I haven't
heard a good argument against it.

One reason for making the distinction would be to allow live
multimedia to meet some other WCAG 2.0 guideline or guidelines at
level 1, without having to be captioned/described. However, I can't
think of anything at level 1 that it would be important for multimedia to meet
it wasn't captioned or described, so having
it simply scoped out whenever captions/descriptions aren't feasible
wouldn't appear to raise any problems and would be a simpler solution

 > Ednote:  Even though there are instances where captions and audio 
 > descriptions are not required, this version of Guideline 1.2 does not 
 > attempt to address the variations. Instead, it assumes more detail is 
 > included in the techniques documents and that policy makers will clarify 
 > when captions and audio descriptions are required.

I agree with the note.
 > Level 2
 >    1. Real-time captions are provided for live multimedia.
 > Level 3
 >    1. Sign language is provided for multimedia
Should this be "sign language translations are provided"?
 >    2. Extended audio descriptions are provided for prerecorded multimedia.
The definition of "extended audio description" is still missing (see
 > "definitions" below)
 >    3. Audio descriptions are provided for live multimedia Ednote: Audio 
 > descriptions for live multimedia are rare. However, we wanted to 
 > encourage the development of future techniques.
See my earlier note about live/prerecorded.
 > Definitions - to be included in the Glossary:
 > (didn't finish these)
 > video-only: @@clarify that it is not a Web page (to address issue 792)
 > audio description - Additional audio narration that explains important 
 > details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack alone. During 
 > pauses in dialog, audio description provide information about actions, 
 > characters, scene changes and on-screen text to people who are blind or 
 > visually impaired.
 > extended audio descriptions...
 > captions - A synchronized transcript of dialogue and important sound 
 > effects. Captions provide access to multimedia for people who are deaf 
 > or hard of hearing.
 > multimedia - contains both audio and video
 > non-text content  - @@
 > transcript - @@
 > ====

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 07:35:40 UTC