Re: G 2.1 and L3SC1 are no different?

> > Guideline 2.1:
> > Make all functionality operable via a keyboard or a keyboard interface.
> > Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 2.1:
> > 1. All functionality of the content is designed to be
> > operated through a keyboard or keyboard interface.
> Both are user-agent issues that the content author cannot guarantee.

Which is a good reason not to require redundant keyboard event handlers.
UAAG 1.0 checkpoint 1.2 (priority 1) requires that event handlers should be
handled in a device-independent manner. Encouraging content authors to
provide redundant handlers (such as onkeypress with onclick) can result in
the event being fired twice in some circumstances.

Content authors do sometimes introduce accessibility problems for keyboard
users. For example, removing focus from link elements because they don't
like the dotted lines around links phrase when it has focus.

<a href="/somewhere.html" onfocus="this.blur()">link phrase</a>

Obviously, tricks like this result in documents that cannot be navigated
using a keyboard. Content authors should not be held accountable for poor
user agents,  but they should be aware that certain tricks add accessibility

Best regards,

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IWA/HWG Member

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 23:29:55 UTC