Re: Supporting Technology

I'd certainly like to see the accessible SVG documentation updated, 
it's been a few years now.

And the website uses SVG files, but really is not very 
Svg authors seem unaware of accessibility, and this isn't surprising 
given that authoring tools, and perhaps even the specification aren't 
that helpful regarding accessibility.

Similarly the old work on javascript is in need of significant 
I'd recommend splitting this work up, and allowing teams to create 
documentation independently.
Then seeing where the commonalities are.
Not trying to tie everything to WCAG.

Anything with scripting, including SVG and javascript are bound to be 
more dynamic than html or streaming technologies.
Relatively little is currently available regarding accessible 
scripting, and there is a lot to learn and document.
There is a possible plan for to develop a resource on accessible games, 
whatever that might mean ~:"
Please send links, or contact details....


Jonathan Chetwynd
"A web by people with learning difficulties"

Received on Sunday, 21 December 2003 07:43:41 UTC