Re: Examples of language changes in websites

I think we need to bring this back out to the question "in question," 
though - here, we have only solved one small problem.  Can we legislate 
this kind of change?  And, if yes, or if no, how do we answer Richard 
Ishida's question: what constitutes language change that MUST be marked 
up, and what constitutes language change that SHOULD be marked up, etc.


Craddock, Michael P wrote:

>We've run into terminology issues here at Boeing, not as a screen reader problem but as a usability issue, and have recently switched from "sitemap" (one word, which is common) to "text index" which we found more commonly used and descriptive. Maybe this small change could help? 
>Thank you,
>The Boeing Company
>p 312.544.2931 | c 312.371.8134 | f 312.544.2082 | w
>"doog si efil"-mirror me
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Yvette P. Hoitink [] 
>Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 1:23 PM
>To: 'Doyle Burnett';
>Subject: RE: Examples of language changes in websites
>In Dutch, the word 'sitemap' (one word) is used a lot. This is yet another
>example of the Dutch habit of glueing words together, which is gramatically
>correct in Dutch. This is so normal for me I didn't even recognize this as
>not being entirely English...
>Dutchmen pronounce 'sitemap' with the English pronounciation. It is not
>(yet) in the Dutch standard wordlist. Just like the word 'cadeaushoppen',
>this is another example of a word whose language cannot be identified within
>the current HTML standards since it's neither Dutch nor English.
>Yvette Hoitink
>CEO Heritas, Enschede, The Netherlands
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of Doyle Burnett
>>Sent: donderdag 4 december 2003 20:00 
>>I believe the term is site map (two words) and yes, if 
>>written as a single word, sitemap - screen readers will not 
>>pronounce the word as would be desired.  
>>On 12/4/03 8:17 AM, "Kynn Bartlett" <> wrote:
>>>On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 04:44 AM, Ineke van der 
>>Maat wrote:
>>>>Sitemap is not an official word  in German or Dutch and can be 
>>>>pronounced by screenreaders in Dutch as sietemap (ie as ea in sea 
>>>>,just like bietensap or fietstas).
>>>English screenreaders sometimes have said "sigh tuh map", for this 
>>>word, rather than "site map".

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2003 17:14:52 UTC