[techs] Summary of 22 October techs telecon

IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2003/10/22-wai-wcag-irc.html

Techniques Gateway issues list:

Issue 518:
consensus from last week: let's try to find accessible resources. where we 
can't find an accessible resource, we'll send the site a message that tells 
them they are not accessible and explain that we would like to link to them 
but are working on an accessibility project.  thus, we will favor 
accessible resources over inaccessible ones and encourage inaccessible ones 
to become accessible.  If unable to find an accessible resource (or one 
that is willing to become accessible) should we will link to it but warn 
the user before they go there?

Issue 519
resolution: create checklist items for each technique is techniques 
gateway. link to these from (throughout) html techinques, i.e. 
mini-checklists embedded in html techniques that link to techniques gateway.

Issue 524
resolution: we'll put technology-specific information for techniques that 
don't have techniques docs of their own in an appendix in techniques 
gateway. but - will cross that bridge when come to it.

Issue 526
waiting for rest of group

Issue 527
Already a link

Issue 528
Thinking about how people use the documents...if a reader hasn't looked at 
guidelines, will absolute statements make sense?  We need to make sure that 
techniques will make sense on their own (to some extent).
action: tom to play with the strcuture of atomic techniques gateway techniques.

Issue 534
action: david write something that describes the benefits of using 
text-based navigation.
resolution of open issue: replace "submit buttons" with "graphical buttons"

Issue 535
clarification of issue: there are a variety of issues, but the intent of 
this issue is how much information to provide?  object element: do you put 
a terse label or description.
Not resolved on this call.

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 16:25:22 UTC