from last teleconf call

Some notes I jotted from our discussion last week.

Posted here for information and discussion

Put a section in the WCAG 2.0 doc that is not a part of the guidelines (not
normative) but that says something like the following:
        Good advice is that you
             a) use tools that meet ATAG. 

             b) test the content (have somebody try using it) using
(common?) assistive technologies. 
                  NOTE: user testing is neither required nor sufficient, but
it is a very good idea for catching problems

             c) use technologies which are compatible with AT and use
technologies according to their specifications, etc. These are things that
don’t necessarily make it more accessible but make it more probable that it
would be accessible over time or in the future.  (This last one is something
that we currently have as a guideline). 

Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2003 23:17:21 UTC