"Techniques for WCAG 2.0 That Apply Across Technologies"


"Techniques for WCAG 2.0 That Apply Across Technologies"
may suggest:
a)	that WCAG is more fundamental than other technologies
b)  that the organisation of WCAG is superior to that of other 

to take an example:

we can attempt to write a WCAG accessibility document around SVG spec, 
or we can write an SVG accessibility document around WCAG.
A third possibility is also clearly available.

either is possible, it naturally suits WCAG members to maintain a 
similar structure, however this -- may -- not be that helpful to people 
used to SVG spec, and also may not suit the topic that well.

for these reasons I prefer "Cross-technology Techniques for WCAG 2.0."
and recommend that we attempt to ensure that they do not conform to 
WCAG in structure, but rather use our abilities to meet the natural 
schema of the topic, as far as this is achievable.


Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 16:39:21 UTC