[techs] updated dtd and test file


I've incorporated recent changes to xmlspec into our xmlspec-techs dtd [1], 
also updated the test file [2].

Norm's changes to xmlspec:
#2003-03-12: nwalsh: Added local.* PEs to a number of additional
              places to make customization layers easier.

              Published V2.3

#2002-09-04: nwalsh: Added 'phrase' to title, subtitle, version,
              w3c-designation, w3c-doctype, day, month, year, name,
              affiliation, email, language, role, lhs, rhs, com,
              typename, date, loc, nt, sub, sup, term, termref,
              titleref, xnt, xspecref, xtermref

              This is *solely* to support automated diffing. Users
              are explicitly forbidden from using this as an escape
              hatch to get extra markup in these contexts.

#2001-10-08: nwalsh: Added local.arg.att and local.proto.att

my changes to xmlspec-tech.dtd:

1. updated front matter to reflect that richard and i changed the dtd

2. added audio-clip to <!ENTITY % local.illus.class...

3. added technology element to techniques element. placeholder created 
during telecon. need to finish design.

4. fixed idref attributes on success-criterion and checkpoint. had been 
type "ID" should have been "IDREF" (thanks to Loretta for finding this bug).


[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/sources/xmlspec-tech.dtd
[2] http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/sources/html-test.xml

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Monday, 2 June 2003 18:56:23 UTC