
Thursday, 29 May, 2000 UTC (4 PM US Eastern, 10 PM France, 6 AM
Eastern Australia) on +1-617-761-6200, passcode 9224.
IRC: 6665, channel #wai-wcag

The following is a hastily prepared agenda.

1. WCAG 2.0, categorization of checkpoints as "core" or "extended".
   The checkpoints that gave rise to classification issues last week
   need to be re-examined (they are flagged by question marks in the
   latest draft).

2. Criteria for deciding what belongs in "success criteria" vs. "best
   practice", or in "best practice" vs. techniques.

3. Several issues arising from the Techniques sub-group that Michael
   would like to raise at the meeting, including

4. Any other issues working group participants want to raise.

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2003 21:04:15 UTC