
Thursday, 24 April, 2000 UTC (4 PM US Eastern, 10 PM France, 6 AM
Eastern Australia) on +1-617-761-6200, passcode 9224, with the
following agenda:

1. Publication of the latest WCAG 2.0 working draft to the W3C's
   Technical Reports page: see the internal draft at

The only discussion on the list so far relates to the issue of
2. Other significant issues currently up for consideration, including:

a. Conformance: see the page tracking conformance-related issues and
proposals at

b. Glossary definitions.

c. Any other business, for example any issues arising from ongoing work on
HTML techniques that members of the subgroup want to raise at this
preliminary stage.

Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2003 20:51:46 UTC