
yup, a busy screen is a disaster, I am not sure about the solution. People
with AADD that I worked with benefited from color highlighting and the use
of color for emphasis of structure.

I adopted a template at work for specks  and minutes specifically with AADD
in mind were color was a major part of helping people focus on that they
needed to know. The change in productivity was astounding. People new what
they needed to know.

I would not recommend  to people to publish a 10,000 word specification
document (I kid you not) without use of color and expect persons with ADD to
find the information that they need.

My project plans also use color for different peoples names so that it is
easy to find were you are without reading a million similar initial (the
dyslexic in me talking - otherwise I can end up doing the work for anyone
with initials SL, LZ, IS ..... )

These documents are often web or intranet based.

All the best,
Lisa Seeman

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 5:06 PM

> a quick comment.   under section 6 disabilities,  one significant group of
people seem to be overlooked.  this is probably partly due to the lack of
understanding and embaressment.
> AADD (Adult Attention Deficit disorder) and similar disorders.  One of the
problems is the distractablity of such individuals which can be made worse
by color and "busy" websites
> the real solution is a text only monocromatic screen (almost the same
requirement as screen readers)  GUI's are a disaster.
> the solutions are being able, either locally or via some web based
operation to display the content of the site in text.  so far the best
viewer is Lynx with some others being usable.
> thanks

Received on Friday, 3 May 2002 04:31:01 UTC