Additions to conformance section of latest draft

After the draft had been posted, I realized that an important
component of the conformance section of WCAG 1.0 had no counterpart in
the 2.0 document. WCAG 1.0 specified the information that must be
included in order for a conformance claim to be valid, viz.:

1. The guidelines title ("Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0").
2. The guidelines date
3. The guidelines URI
4. The scope of the conformance claim (e.g. all resources maintained

Following today's teleconference several of us stayed on the bridge to
identify further issues emerging from the latest draft. One problem
related to conformance is that the term "web site" is often used in
the document, but has been left undefined. Obviously, content
developers are at liberty to define the scope of their conformance
claims, so we decided to define "web site" for purposes of the
guidelines by taking this into account. The following definition is
therefore proposed:

For the purposes of these guidelines, a site is that body of web content which
the conformance claim encompasses.

If you think this terminological decision is likely to be confusing,
then please offer an alternative suggestion.

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 19:58:20 UTC