Re: Tone

Wendy your tone seems very aggressive, there can be no reason to insist that
discussion discontinues,other than consensus.
Knowing my abilities you will understand that I am seeking further advice,
and gl is the appropriate place.
This is a difficult subject, There are plenty of positive examples, as well
as more awkward ones.

Could we please have some examples which are perhaps novel?
commerce and games is a positive one from my experience.
From real life the introduction of 'actors' into museums, has transformed
their spirit, from staid to entertaining.
(This is making information accessible.)

To me the difficulty is not so much the shortage of materials as finding
pertinent examples.


jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LDD)         "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2001 16:27:33 UTC