Re: UA/GL duplication of effort? Re: Review of Script Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (part 2.)

> Should one name should be enough for those cases where duplication is
> desirable?

One name is enough, it's all about how you script, I see no accessibility
issues, and certainly don't see anything bad with your demonstration, In
fact, I'm somewhat confused what you're asking, you don't mouseover the A
element, you mouseover the IMG element, if you place the onfocus event in
the IMG rather than the A (you'll need to add a tabindex in IE for this.)
then you'll get tab and onmouseover to be the same element.  This is not

> It seems that if one wishes onmouseover and onfocus to point to the
> function, and one wishes to find out the name of the object which has
> (for a linked image) one needs a name in the 'a' tag for onfocus, and a
> separate name in the 'img' tag for onmouseover.

Not at all, you just use a more efficient script solution.

> Should one name be enough (for those cases where duplication is not
> desirable.)

It already is, This is a scripting problem and not a
standards/accessibility problem, IMG and A are different elements, events
firing on those elements must be able to differentiate between the two.


Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 14:33:19 UTC