Re: media mix and universal connectedness

Charles wrote:
    >For others it was internet sites that cut back to
    almost nothing but text to cope with bandwidth overload.

I was astonished when nearly all the news sites became unavailable.
Then slowly came back with a single frontpage and no or very little
A real warning of what could be to come.

Noticeably peepo and a number of other sites I maintain were running
normally or even better, perhaps apparently.
This seems an aspect of the original design of the web, not too well thought
through. There is little opportunity for 'parasitism'.
that is you can visit a site I set up a few months ago
Now for obvious reasons, I'd be happy to host, and field some hits there,
but don't have the opportunity to easily mirror content, in an emergency,
and thus spread the load. No easy solutions.... But command and control, in
a strategic sense, must be difficult in these situations.  One of the few
instances where small groups have a very definite advantage.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LDD)         "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2001 02:43:44 UTC