Re: Script Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

At 10:35 PM 2001-09-13 , Christopher Atkinson wrote:
>Author Benefits:
>I would add as a bullet:
>"--Browser detection facilitates use of CSS (a WCAG recommendation) despite
>less-than-perfect user agent implementations.

AG::  look at Trace site <> for an example.

>--Allows replication of server-side functionality for authors without server
>Instead of using a "javascript:" psuedo-URL, set the link's onClick to the
>desired function, have the function return false and set the link's HREF to
>a fallback page to which the user will be sent if using a non-Javacript
>browser (or if the function does not work properly with the particular
><A HREF="BackupNav.html" onClick="navigationFunction( ); return false">Link
>to Navigation Menu</A>

AG::  Getting people to understand this one pays for the whole book, right
What is the browser implementation status of onActivate?

>Event Handlers
>This creates problems not only for people who are physically unable to use a
>mouse, but for screenreader users as well. The point of regard of the
>screenreader does not trigger the onMouseOver event handler. Thus menuing
>systems triggered by onMouseOver will not work with screenreaders.
>The alternative is to use a keyboard-triggered event handler to use the
>onFocus event handler. This is triggered when focus is transferred to an
>object by "tabbing" to it.

Received on Friday, 14 September 2001 08:22:36 UTC