RE: Disability Type Analysis of WCAG 1.0


         How about stopping with the motives. We are all here for the same 
reasons as you. You questioned mine, but when I tried to move the 
discussion offlist, you told me never to write to you again. What is it 
with you judging everyone's motives?

         Yes, it Version 2.0 is long overdue, but that is no reason to rush 
into something that clearly isn't ready.

         You seem intent on a romantic vision of "scientists" and their 
role in life. In the real world "scientists" don't swoop down in a red cape 
to experiment out all problems. Many are solved long before "science" gets 
around to it.

         On possibility that could arise from the discussion of more 
checkpoints for the blind than for other disabilities is that some of those 
checkpoints could be effectively combined as techniques under a more global 
checkpoint. Another outcome could be more attention to the needs of other 
disability groups and make sure their needs and preferences are as well 
supported as others ... Other outcomes that I can't imagine are just as 
likely to come, and be even more impressive.

         "Stop with the negative waves, already" <quoting Donald Sutherland 
in Kelly's Heroes> ....



At 12:47 PM 8/25/01 -0700, Charles F. Munat wrote:
>Since we're getting motives out in the open, let's get them all out. I've
>explained mine; how about if you explain yours? It would go a long way
>towards assuaging my "fears."
>Chas. Munat

Anne Pemberton

Received on Saturday, 25 August 2001 16:39:31 UTC