Re: WCAG In Haiku; From William's Terse Version; Hope These Are Helpful

Looks great!

In the following are some thoughts that came to my mind as a result. They 
are not totally developed yet so sorry if it is difficult to understand.

The presentation and comprehension have a lot of similarities and I'm not 
sure where to draw the line e.g. use illustrations is now in the 
comprehension part, but isn't that actually part of presentation? Naturally 
then good presentation does help comprehension.

Revealing the structure, clarifying and emphasizing, and breaking 
information into manageable chunks, illustrations, outlines and indexes is 
also connected.

Illustrations can be used in many ways e.g. give the user a clue of what 
the domain and the style is and motivate them, help structure the content 
like in the poem, or present complicated ideas in different levels from in 
a simplified graph or chart emphasizing some things to a detailed image 
containing all or most of the information.

Also the text can be used to have different levels of information e.g. we 
can have a separate text box (separated usually by presentation, but could 
have some mark-up too) explaining something in more detail so that the text 
itself can be simpler.

So we can communicate the content to users in different simplicity levels; 
give different views or navigational mechanisms to the content, such as 
indexes, navigation bars, sequential view; and use different presentations: 
textual, visual and auditory, in all of these levels. If I know (maybe 
because I see it right away visually or because of some metadata available 
to me) that there is an image explaining the main components, I can go and 
check that image or it's alt text and get an idea of what the text is 
explaining in more detail before reading it. So that will help me to 
comprehend. Different users may use the different levels of explanations in 
different manners.


At 09:55 PM 8/23/2001 +0100, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
> >          Great poem .... I've added a verse ..... <grin>
>Thanks. I've augmented it so that it fits in with the 5/7/5 pattern, and
>posted the whole thing to:-
>because it's better referring to a Web page than it is an archived email
>:-) The page comes complete with illustrations, which I blatantly copied
>from William's terse WCAG 2.0 [1], because they're so cool.
>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
>@prefix : <> .
>:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2001 18:01:55 UTC