Re: Eating one's own dog food

An aside: Over the weekend hubby found a site full of animated train gifs, 
and downloaded dozens. He wanted me to add some of the animations to his 
train page, and I told him he could do it himself, and showed him how. Then 
showed him how to test it, I uploaded it, and he tested it again, decided 
it came in too slowly, and cut a few extra large animations, and liked how 
it ran then. Steve is dyslexic, photo epileptic, and one eyed with 
cataracts in the good eye. All perhaps excellent reasons for him to need to 
shy away from animations, but he loaded the page and loved the effect. I 
kept asking him if all the animations going at once was having any effect, 
and he said No most emphatically. The page he made is at - do not visit unless you 
enjoy animations, trains, or both ... I'm not sure of my point here, except 
that perhaps we are a bit "overprotective" on the photo-epilepsy issue as 
it relates to animation (but not flicker).


At 06:57 AM 8/23/01 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>Yes, I know there are clip-art libraries that can be used. If I had more
>semantic web tools I would have thought harder about searching for existing
>stuff, but it seemed just as easy to make my example (it took about twice as
>long as I expected though so next time I will start to think about ways of
>doing it in a more re-usable fashion). Besides, this way I have no copyright
>hassles at all - it is mine (published under W3C copyright rules) <grin/>.
>Yes, I thought of those ways of clarifying the "do-don't" bit. I just haven't
>got around to playing with the image again yet.
>On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Anne Pemberton wrote:
>   Chaals,
>            There is a lot of clip art on the web that is free if you are
>   using it for educational rather than commercial purposes. I'm not sure it
>   we'd fit under this or not. I think the Guidelines has an educational
>   purpose, so perhaps we could use it. Unfortunately, I don't think we would
>   find anything as specifically tailored to what we need to illustrate in
>   clip art that would be as effective as what you created.
>            Some possibilities to help emphasize the right way: draw a red box
>   around the wrong way and put a red diagonal bar across as the international
>   symbol of don't .... or make the "wrong way" picture smaller than the right
>   way.

Anne Pemberton

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2001 07:22:31 UTC