Plug for the insightful blind folks


         Spent the weekend looking up and linking up content on Famous 
American for each of my three grade levels. Each grade level has 6-8 
persons they are supposed to learn about that year. The folks from back in 
history just have a few picture available, sometime just one, sometime a 
small variety.... The more recent folks should have lots of content and 
pictures around, but sometimes they are hard to get. All the pictures for 
George Washington Carver are locked up at Iowa State under heavy copyright 
enforcement.... Some people seem to have never posed for a pleasant 
picture, or no body wants to share the good ones, as for Susan B. Anthony.

         But the point of this note was my surprise and delight to start 
researching Helen Keller for the 2nd graders, to find a treasure trove of 
pictures all nicely archived, presented, and free on the AFB site. Pictures 
of Helen as a child, growing up, as a woman, and as an accomplished woman - 
her whole life illustrated with the pictures on the site! It was the best 
stash I found any of my Famous Americans! Hooray for the AFB!!!

         If the AFB can do it, and they have members who have bone-fide 
reasons why illustrating is difficult, but they manage to pull off one of 
the most useful and content-filled sites on the web, why do the "textists" 
complain that graphic content  is too difficult to do?


Anne Pemberton

Received on Monday, 6 August 2001 06:41:32 UTC