Re: wichita state's usability resources (Re: Aside on Fonts)

aloha, again, kynn!

by the way, what i was attempting to underscore (evidentially,
unsuccessfully) was the irony implicit in the fact that, quite often pages
designated as "printer friendly" or "print version" are often -- at least
for someone reliant on text-to-speech conversion, such as myself -- the
most accessible way to access the content of a site or particular document
(especial technical documents and newspapers) 

ironic, because i thought that 2 of the euphemisms to which i was entitled
was "print handicapped" and his PC brother, "print impaired"...  oh well,
guess it just goes to show that you can't take _anything_ for granted... 

PEDESTRIAN, n. The variable (and audible) part of the roadway for
an automobile.       --  Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
Gregory J. Rosmaita,
         Camera Obscura:

Received on Friday, 27 July 2001 21:04:41 UTC