Re: Layout tables

At 8:35 AM +1100 3/10/01, Jason White wrote:
>This is where the Web Content Guidelines working group can provide
>input to PF, and through it, to the HTML working group: we should
>attempt to document some of the structures which aren't presently
>available in XHTML, but which are common idioms of web development
>practice, so that the most important of these can be put forward for
>possible inclusion in XHTML 2.0.

Well, that's assuming that XHTML 2.0 is viewed as the solution.  At
the Device Indepencence Working Group meeting last week in Boston,
there was talk of the need for a possible "Single Authoring
Markup Language" (which I quickly dubbed SAML) -- not a real
name -- which specifically was _not_ XHTML 2.  Of course, I suspect
that for political reasons (read: the W3C has too much invested
in the XHTML concept and there are powerful people within the
W3C on that working group), any attempt to write such a language
and get it accepted would be shot down.

A shame, really, since placing all eggs in one basket -- the
XHTML 2 basket -- is a really, really, really bad idea.  XHTML 2
does not do the kinds of things that many people need from a

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Friday, 9 March 2001 20:38:21 UTC