Re: Vector Graphical Alternatives

At 06:19 AM 2/12/2001 , Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>I'm not sure if this has already come up, but a decent thing to require if
>text-in-images is used is that there be some pointer to a vector based
>alternative. Sometimes it is difficult to convey the same semantics from
>pictures to text, but if there were a slightly more accessible version of
>that image, it would be a help. I thought of this as I was preparing to
>draw yet another node and arc diagram for EARL, and realised how difficult
>it would be for a complex graph to put into words. Using SVG for this would
>be brilliant. Could you use longdesc for that, and then embed the SVG into
>the longdesc page?

Isn't this an appropriate use for the <object> tag?


Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Customer Management/Team Edapta
Reef North America
Tel +1 909-674-5225

Received on Monday, 12 February 2001 11:58:36 UTC