RE: [w3c-wai-gl] <none>

At 3:59 PM -0600 1/15/01, Robert Neff wrote:
>I have forwarded your question to Doug Wakefield, who is one of the 
>folks leading up the effort for the Access Board.  I have asked if 
>there has been consideration for a FAQ page or way to submit 
>questions.  I am seeing many more questions on 508 and fear folks 
>may be speaking for the Access Board with having permission or being 
>half right or whatever.  I would rather err on the side of caution 
>and prefer to have an official opinion rendered from the Access 
>We can discuss this but I am not the authority - the access board is.

That's an excellent point -- the W3C is _not_ responsible for Section
508 compliance, and yet many people ask for "official" answers on the
WAI lists.  The definitive word on 508 has to come from the Access
Board, not the W3C.

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Monday, 15 January 2001 17:16:05 UTC