RE: Skip Nav Ideas

aloha, bruce!

i agree wholeheartedly with your statement:

> "jump to main content" doesn't have to be
> invisible, and that there are distinct disadvantages to hiding such a
> feature.  For example, folks who are sighted but are not using a mouse
> (e.g., severe C.P.) would miss it.
> Section 508 requires this capability, so the discussion is really one of
> "how" and not "if".

which is why i included caveats in my display:none technique...

so, what is the conscientious webmonster to do?  i'd propose using a
consistent, and accessibly marked-up, "skip" graphic (optimally culled
from one of the online collections of icons/graphics) rather than an
invisible/transparent graphic, precisely for the reasons bruce listed... 

<a href="#main-body" title="Skip Navigation Links"><img src="skip.gif" 
alt="Skip Navigation Links" /></a>

although as to what constitutes an unambiguous "skip" graphic/icon i leave
to others to debate, simply noting that (a) a graphic becomes an icon
through use and reuse; and (b) the combination of alt/title descriptors
should provide those to whom the meaning of the graphic isn't evident with
clarification as to the intent/function of the graphic/hyperlink... 


DISCUSSION, n.  A method of confirming others in their errors.
                   -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
           Gregory J. Rosmaita,
       Camera Obscura:

Received on Monday, 4 June 2001 16:50:50 UTC