- From: Katie Haritos-Shea <kshea@apollo.fedworld.gov>
- Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 15:08:32 -0400
- To: <michael_cortese@ita.doc.gov>
- Cc: "_W3C-WAI Web Content Access. Guidelines List" <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org>, "_W3C WAI XTECH" <wai-xtech@w3.org>, "_W3C WAI EO" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>, "_Trace 508 List" <sec508@trace.wisc.edu>
Hi Mike, I couldn't find your email that I had saved, but , being the resourceful soul that I am was able to find it............can you send me your contact info via email ?................................thanks..................Katie For everybody Else, There are those that I know personally who would guffaw at the idea of the dreaded "spacer.gif", and invisible Skip Navigation.........................please contain yourselves. I have provided one of Len's VISIBLE examples, for the truly ardent. But, the thought comes to me, perhaps a good way to compile (to document) this stuff is for everyone who wishes to.......................to please add a technique (or ten) that you have worked/figured out....................to this list, with your name if you like. One's without "spacer.gif"s would be especially appreciated...........................happy navigation................................Katie **************************************************************************** **************************************** Skip Nav Code ideas: **************************************************************************** ****************************************** One: (HTML to a Main Content TARGET) (LINK) <a accesskey="C" href="#MainContent" title="MainContent"> <img src="spacer.gif" alt="Skip mumbo-jumbo, go straight to MainContents" width="0" height="0" border="0" ></a> (TARGET) <a name="MainContents" id="MainContents"></a> **************************************************************************** ****************************************** Two: (XHTML to a table of contents TARGET) (LINK) <a accesskey="C" href="#toc" title="Table of Contents"> <img src="spacer.gif" alt="Skip mumbo-jumbo, go straight to Table of Contents" width="0" height="0" border="0" /></a> (TARGET) <a name="toc" id="toc"></a> **************************************************************************** ****************************************** Three: (This one is a visible skip nav link, created by an accessibility legend, a friend, who recently died, Len Kasday.........) <P> (LINK) <A HREF="#afternav">Skip nav bar</A> <P> <HR> <P> <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> | <A HREF="stub.html">Link</A> <HR> <P> (TARGET) <A NAME="afternav"><!-- --></A>Here we are past all those links in the upper navigation bar. And now on with our story. It was a cold and rainy Friday in Philadelphia, and everybody was indoors, out of the cold, surfing the web. **************************************************************************** ************************************* Four: (In a table data tag - HTML) (LINK) <td bgcolor="#000000" width="200" height="33"> <a href="#Content" accesskey="C" title="Content"> <img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="0" height="0" alt="Skip directly to Content"></a></td> (TARGET) <h1><a name="Content">This is the Big Enchilada.</a></h1> **************************************************************************** ************************************* Katie Haritos-Shea 11809 Waples Mill Road Oakton, Virginia 22124-2113 USA WAI Glossary: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/Glossary/printable.html cell: 571-220-7777 ph: 703-605-6426 fax: 703-605-6826 mailto:ryladog@earthlink.net mailto:kshea@fedworld.gov mailto:kshea@ntis.fedworld.gov
Received on Monday, 4 June 2001 15:02:26 UTC