Re: Merging WCAG With EARL

Cool work. But it would make more sense to me if there was a screen-scraper
or simlar transformation used on WCAG, and if EARL allowed us to specify how
that should work. For example there must be a fragment of XSLT that can be
used to extract a given checkpoint from WCAG, and that could be added to a
standard XSLT template. If we could point to that as the human documentation
we would be way ahead - then for a different spec (like XHTML 1.0) we could
define the transform fragment insteadc of having to re-write the entire spec.


On Mon, 28 May 2001, Sean B. Palmer wrote:

  I've taken a sample EARL file that says "this page complies to all
  WCAG priority 1 checkpoints", and merged it with a machine-readable
  version of WCAG (which I had to create), to produce an explicity
  enumerated output with checkpoint Ids.

  This working demonstration shows how easy it is to process data once
  it is in a machine readable (read: RDF) format, and how by basing EARL
  (and indeed, WCAG!) on this model, we can make deductions and merge
  information with great ease.

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 18:38:11 UTC