Re: Checkpoint copy proposal: 3.3


	Like your suggestion!!!

	All of our guidelines about content should consistently include all types
of content. 

	The same guidance that is needed for text writers is needed for
illustrators ... As I've said often in the past few days, I'm not an
illustrator, and the guidelines are not the easiest of text to illustrate,
but I did do it, in my spare time, in a reasonable amount of time ... It's
not an impossible requirement ... just as there as some folks who should
not "write" a web page without hitching up with someone who can write,
those who feel comfortable with writing will need to collaborate with
someone who can illustrate... The product is a web page, remember, not a
"document" ... 




At 02:34 PM 5/11/01 -0700, Matt May wrote:
>   I'd like to propose a change to  checkpoint 3.3 (Write clearly and
>simply):   3.2 Make content clear and  simple.   or   3.2 Make content as
>clear and simple  as you can.   The reason I'm recommending this  change is
>that I feel "writing" is too text-specific, and that the authors of 
>images, sound, motion video, and interactive apps should be (more overtly)
>aware  that this applies to their content as well.   -
Anne Pemberton

Received on Friday, 11 May 2001 19:25:36 UTC