Out of Box Thinking


    Take your whole statement and apply it to, oh, say, alt text instead of illustrations. Set up a dividing line so only some users get their supper, allow authors to choose to follow it or not, and make the examples so many and so inconclusive that authors skip "wading" through it all.  And, when it rankles and you get that awful itch running up and down your typing arm, you will have some idea how your statement sounds to someone advocating for folks who weren't in the original "box"

Simply put, you must SHARE, not covet, not defend a turf ... you must strive for INCLUSION not EXCLUSION ... And when the newbies arrive at the table, share the meat, not just the tossed salad.


Anne Pemberton


On Fri, 11 May 2001 16:28:37  
 Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>> Some of our clients *need* there to be other-than-just-text
>> in order to make stuff accessible.
>O.K., but as Jason pointed out, we need to be able to draw some kind
>of limit or applicable boundaries to this, otherwise we just end up
>chasing a giant furphy [1]. I think that clearly this is something
>that can only be decided on case-by-case basis, and therefore is left
>up to the common sense and intuition of the author. However, what GL
>can provide is example after example (a kind of test suite for WCAG),
>so that people way wade through these and gain a good feel for exactly
>what constitutes appropriate implementation of this guideline.
>In other words - we're producing guidelines; we can't force anybody to
>do anything, but we can guide them! Saying "thou shalt provide x" is
>O.K. until you come to an exception... then people get stuck.
>My 0.02 [insert currency here].
>[1] A "furphy" is a small Australian mammal that looks a lot like a
>rabbit, but is no larger than a rat. Hence the expression, "to chace a
>furphy down a rat-hole". Did I get that right Charles? :-)
>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
>@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
>:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

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Received on Friday, 11 May 2001 12:16:08 UTC