Re: cross posted form IG

On Sun, 6 May 2001, Matt May wrote:

> Worse, use of px is commonly symptomatic of a design team trying to generate
> pixel-perfect designs, which is a much more far-reaching disease,

I fully agree...

> Ought to, yes, but again, oughtas belong in the User Agent Accessibility
> Guidelines, not WCAG. As it is right now, the user controls for setting font
> sizes in Netscape 4.x and IE 4-5.x don't change px-sized fonts, so that
> needs to be addressed for content providers to make their pages more
> accessible.

Let me make my position clear: I fully support your conclusions; I'm
just trying to be sure that the argument is supported on sound

> Then again, turning off CSS in NN 4 also turns off JavaScript.

If I may offer a correction: while it's true in NN 4.* that turning
off Javascript will also disable CSS, there _is_ an option to turn off
CSS without otherwise affecting Javascript.

> > To overrule authors who have created high-specificity absolute-sized
> > font sizing, you need stronger medicine than just tossing a user
> > stylesheet into the CSS cascade, if I'm not mistaken.

Since I posted that to the list, I have had further study and
discussions off the list, and I now perceive that it was based upon a

> The !important declaration[1] in a client-side style sheet would take
> precedence over a server-side style sheet in CSS2, even if the author
> declares something "!important".

I was in no doubt that if two or more rules "match", then the user's
!important rule takes precedence.  However, I now realise that my
understanding of how the matching is defined was defective at a key
point, and I offer my apology to you and to the list.

best regards

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 06:05:13 UTC