Re: can accessibility be distinguished from usability? (was Re: 4/26 WCAG meeting minutes)


	Well said!!! I especially liked the last ... I, too, want to see a single
guidelines, not a list of required stuff and lists of recommended stuff
that can be ignored. There is no way to make anything "required reading",
and no guarantee that if it's just "recommended" instead of being fully
included in the priority scheme, it will be taken seriously.

If the guidelines separate some needs from others for disabled people, they
will be engaging in the same types of discrimination that they protest
against. If the needs of the cognitively disabled are dismissable, or
relegated to "if you can and want to", how can there be any serious respect
for the needs of the sensorily disabled? 


At 04:48 PM 4/27/01 -0400, gregory j. rosmaita 
>personally, i'd like to "see" a single guidelines activity be developed
>under the W3C's aegis which would produce guidelines documents that address
>usability, interoperability, internationalization, and accessibility issues
>as a cohesive whole, but that's a rant for another post...

Anne Pemberton

Received on Friday, 27 April 2001 19:25:27 UTC