Re: Green Fingers was Re: COPUS was Re: alternative content for cognitive disabilities

Matt you've completely missed the point I was trying to make. By
transforming the way in which the message is to be delivered, ie via the
senses, rather than textually, it is made accessible to people that would
otherwise not get it.

corporate sites that attempt something similar include
from cinema
from fast foods
from music, well they are too numerous:
or maybe the player currently at
is a particularly transparent means of selecting the artist you want to

I consider endless tracts of english to be obstructive unless they are
summarised well, and ideally with alternatives to text.
Thus means not just providing summaries of the parts but the whole.
for example
when i type the name of a popstar in a search engine and get taken to an
unsuitable site, that is an example of a summary being deliberately
similarly many corporate sites, why does MS spring to mind, are very
difficult to navigate.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LD)

Received on Sunday, 22 April 2001 21:56:54 UTC