- From: by way of Wendy A Chisholm <jasonjgw@one.net.au>
- Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 19:40:46 -0400
- To: w3c-wai-gl@w3.org
In today's teleconference I undertook to post the following notes to the list (they have been edited slightly to reflect recent working group discussions). Here are some brief comments on the verifiability of each of the WCAG 2.0 checkpoints: 1.1 The existence of a text equivalent is usually indicated explicitly in the content itself (e.g., by an element or attribute in a markup language). If this is not the case, as where multiple versions of the same content are provided by the author, an equivalence relationship between graphical and auditory presentations in one version, and the text in another, may be more difficult to establish. If there is no explicit association, in markup or a data model, between the auditory/graphical presentation and the equivalent, but the two are juxtaposed (as in a figure caption, for instance), it may, or may not be sufficiently clear to the reader that the equivalent exists. Which of the foregoing scenarios should be regarded as satisfying the checkpoint? Suppose instead that the auditory/graphical presentation is redundant (that is, the same information is conveyed in the text, but without referring explicitly to the sound/graphic). Is this sufficient? The adequacy of the text equivalent can only be ascertained from knowledge of the context and the purpose of the content, and requires an exercise of judgment. 1.2 Synchronization may be evident from the content format itself (e.g., the markup language), but even if this is not so, it should be possible to determine (without much difficulty) whether, in fact, the equivalents have been synchronized. Should an upper limit be imposed on the time interval between the auditory/visual content and the synchronized text? 1.3 Same as 1.2. 1.4 Automated tools can provide heuristics to help in determining whether the logical structure of the content has been adequately represented, but in part this checkpoint demands an exercise of human judgment. I suspect, however, that individuals who are familiar with a particular markup language or other means of data representation, would tend to agree, in most cases, as to whether proper structure has been supplied. Thus the requirement is not "subjective", whatever that means. 1.5 This can generally be verified by simple inspection: have the presentational and structural aspects been represented independently of each other? For example, have the author-supplied presentational conventions been provided as style sheets? Are structural elements represented independently of layout operators etc.? 2.1 In many cases this should be evident enough, though the tests can not necessarily be automated. For example, if there is a search option as well as an interrelated set of links connecting the various documents or pages comprising a web site, the requirement will have been met. Similarly, if there is a separate index or table of contents, this checkpoint will be satisfied. If it is clear what types of mechanism can meet the checkpoint, it should be relatively easy to decide whether the requirement has been fulfilled. The challenge, then, is to decide, firstly, under what circumstances the requirement should apply, and secondly, what should be counted as satisfying the checkpoint. 2.2 Given the discussion and examples that follow the checkpoint, it should be possible to apply, but it may be difficult to extend the principle beyond the specific cases cited in the text of the guidelines. What level of consistency/predictability is required, under what circumstances and in what respects? The requirement is vague. Does it refer only to internal consistency (between content on the same web site or by the same author), or does it instead demand conformity to externally imposed conventions (and if so, what conventions and under what circumstances)? If what is needed, rather, is conformity to users' expectations, then how should the author determine, in the relevant respect, what users' expectations are likely to be (for example, the behaviour of graphical interfaces varies among operating systems, and even within a single operating system)? 2.3 Same as for 2.2. 2.4 The existence of a time-out should be easily verifiable, as should the existence of a mechanism allowing it to be deactivated. 2.5 Given a (technology-specific) list of device-independent event handlers for each relevant standard or interface, this should be easy to verify. 3.1 Same misgivings as per 2.2. 3.2 This is related to checkpoint 1.5, but here we are more concerned with the adequacy with which the presentation etc., would make the structure apparent to a prospective reader. An exercise of judgment will obviously be required here. This checkpoint also presupposes that the author will have some influence over the final presentation, which is not always true. Thus the requirement only applies to the extent that the author can influence the presentation. 3.3 As has been pointed out in working group discussions, this checkpoint is inadequately defined. How are "clarity" and "simplicity" to be assessed? What are the criteria for deciding whether one means of expressing an idea is clearer, or simpler, than f another? Obviously, each author will know whether care has been exercised in the preparation of the text, and whether attention has been paid to matters of writing style. Should this level of assurance be sufficient? Perhaps the requirement is more operational than substantive, viz., one should first satisfy oneself that the text is as clear and simple as practicable, given the nature of the content, and then arrange for it to be proofread and reviewed by someone else. What is the relevance of the "intended audience" in defining the nature of this requirement? 3.4 The main difficulties are: (1) deciding in what circumstances such illustrations are likely to be helpful; and (2) judging their appropriateness, once provided. Both of these are difficult points. 3.5 There is no clear criterion of complexity; hence it is hard to decide under what circumstances a summary is needed. Context-dependent judgment is needed, unless more definite criteria can be established. 3.6 This should be reasonably easy to verify in most cases: acronyms and abbreviations can often be identified automatically, and it should be reasonably clear which words are intended as technical terms and which are not, at least to the author. 3.7 When is division into smaller units necessary? How small must they be? Context-dependent judgment is required here, unless firmer criteria can be provided. 4.1 The issue here is: does the technology in question enable those checkpoints to which it is relevant, to be properly satisfied? This requires an evaluation of the technology in relation to the guidelines, a process that would necessarily involve judgment, but in many cases it should be a relatively straightforward technical task. Of course, if one uses technologies for which the W3C has provided "checkpoint solutions", the problem is solved. If, however, one wants to deploy other technologies, then one has the responsibility to decide whether they can be used in such a way that conformance with the guidelines is still possible. 4.2 This depends on the clarity of the specification regarding what is, and what is not, correct usage. 4.3 Same comment as per 2.5. 4.4 This can be verified experimentally by turning off the presentation effects in question and trying to read/interact with the content.
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