Re: what type of document do we want?

As a start in the direction of providing illustrations for the guidelines,
I took William's challenge, and made a web site (3 pages) that illustrate
the points in Guideline 3 ... 

	It is a rough estimate of what is needed (and it is NOT complete as it is
now). Take a look at


At 06:51 AM 4/8/01 -0700, William Loughborough wrote:
>At 08:50 PM 4/7/01 +0100, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
>>None the less If someone can produce 30 words of 'approved' plain text, I 
>>am more than happy to illustrate.
>WL: OK here's 32 words - if you drop the "and" from 3.2 and 3.6 you've got 
>the requested 30.
>3.1 Use consistent presentation.
>3.2 Emphasize structure through presentation, positioning, and labels.
>3.3 Write clearly and simply.
>3.5 Summarize complex information.
>3.6 Define key terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and specialized language.
>3.7 Divide information into smaller, more manageable units.
>If you meant "plain text" rather than the checkpoints themselves try:
>"Sounds/graphics/videos/animations can help make concepts presented in a 
>Web site easier to understand, especially for people with cognitive 
>disabilities or those who are unfamiliar with the language" [which 30 could 
>become 28 if "in a Web site" were changed to "in Websites" - although 
>"Websites" is not recognized as a "word" by my spell checker!]
>which is a near-perfect candidate for self-reflexive illustration: show 'em 
>what you're tellin' 'em!
>Kynn might help you with techniques proven in the field of comix?
>I think this is quite a challenge and I prithee luck (which is appropriate 
>enough for Easter Week?).
Anne Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 06:42:26 UTC