- From: William Loughborough <love26@gorge.net>
- Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 15:16:09 -0800
- To: Jason Hinkin <jh@HowthTech.com>
- CC: Web Content Accessiblity Guidelines Mailing List <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org>
JH:: "But some developers are worried about the limiting of their site look/feel/usability if they are confined to rules that it must be placed in a certain format." WL: I'm organizing/moderating a panel at WWW9 in Amsterdam entitled "Can 'Cool' Be Accessible?" which addresses this particular worry. The fact that I think this is a misguided fear doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. The guidelines aren't actually "confining". Incidentally that word is a thorn to people who are sometimes in the media referred to as "confined to a wheelchair" when they can easily outrun people who are on foot! JH:: "Upgrading text and sites is a time consuming process." WL: I'm not sure how the guidelines call for upgrading text. The main point is that retrofitting is a bitch but designing with accessibility in mind in the first place isn't that big a burden - it MIGHT even make a site more usable ($$$). -- Love. ACCESSIBILITY IS RIGHT - NOT PRIVILEGE http://dicomp.pair.com
Received on Thursday, 24 February 2000 18:14:25 UTC