Another view of "One size fits all?"

ABSTRACT of "One Size Fits All? ...":

The Web presents content to audiences world-wide in the form of desktop,
information appliance, and mobile delivery systems.  Common sense tells
us that people are different globally and that cultural orientations
might influence people's comprehension and decision making.  How does/
doesn't the Web account for cultural differences?  In Hofstede's classic
study, Cultures and Organizations, he identifies five fundamental
dimensions of world cultures:

      Power distance
      Individualism vs. collectivism
      Femininity vs. masculinity
      Uncertainty avoidance
      Short vs. long-term orientation

These dimensions are evidenced at work, at home, in schools, and in
families through symbols, heroes, rituals, and values.

Received on Saturday, 29 January 2000 19:46:00 UTC