Agenda for Thursday's meeting

As scheduled, a meeting of the Web Content Guidelines working group will
be held on Thursday at the usual time, on the W3C bridge
(+1-617-252-1038), 2100 UTC, 4 PM Boston, 10 PM? France, 8 AM Melbourne.

My thanks to Wendy for compiling a list of action items and open issues.


1. action items from last week's meeting:
IJ take the unified proposal (single conformance page) to the CG
WC takes action to make sure test results are incorporated into the user 
agent support page.
JW summarize points about the "one size fits all thread", ask for proposal.
WC make editorial change to errata for 10.2
IJ and WC put daniel's in errata
CMN to write RDF schema in relation to WCAG and IJ's unified conformance 
WC write, post, and link from WCAG home page "how to get into ETA"
WC make reading ETA issues public, but adding issues only working group.

2. open issues to discuss
a. Clarification of what is meant by a "linearized" table, as
requested by er w g (not yet in issues list)

b. Conflicts between checkpoints for layout

c. Dealing with unsupported technologies

d. Clarification required for checkpoint 14.2 (how to verify conformance)

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 19:33:00 UTC