Technique open issues and to do's


I updated the Techniques open issues list [1] by going through the list of 
open issues to determine if some of them had actually been resolved but 
were lingering as open issues.  Note that I did *not* go through the 
archive looking for issues.  Therefore, as Jason suggested in the agenda 
yesterday, if you have an issue that has not been dealt with, please 
resubmit it.

Also, please note that these are not issues with the Guidelines and 
Checkpoints - those are currently being addressed in the Requirements 
Document [2].  Therefore, if you have an issue with Guidelines or 
Checkpoints make sure that it is covered in some way in the Requirements 

I was able to close 6:
15. Specifying foreground and background colors
16. Why use EMBED/NOEMBED for applets instead of APPLET
17. Table examples (PRE)
18. Label in form example
19. Content negotiation
20. Grouping and bypassing links

10 are still open, some of these have been discussed on the list.  Several 
seem like they will be simple to close, but I wanted to get group consensus 
and not make any assumptions.
1. "accesskey" example
2. Proposal for accessible list example
3. Spacer images examples
4. Bidirectional tables
5. Using invisible images to provide redundant text links for server-6. 
side image maps
6. CSS generated text
7. User agent support page
8. Satisfying the alternative page checkpoint with phone, fax, or postal 
9. Technique for server-side maps
10. Abbreviations for table headers

I added a section called "To do's".  This is a known list of things that 
need to be added to or edited in the Techniques modules.  There are 8 items 
on this list:
1. Missing discussion on checkpoint 7.3 - Lots of work on Scripting in 
non-W3C technologies module (incorporate lessons from MWC page).
2. Add SMIL module.
3. Add SVG module
4. Make sure all content from CSS Accessibilty Features note is 
incorporated into CSS module
5. Extend CSS module to include positioning and include more technical 
6. Add MathML module
7. Add PDF info to non-W3C technologies module
8. More work on Flash section of non-W3C technologies module.

Are there other open issues that should be added to the list of open 
issues?  Other to-do's that should be added to the to-do list?  Are there 
volunteers to do any of the to-do's?  I've put some people's names next to 
them (mostly mine <grin/>).


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
madison, wi usa
tel: +1 608 663 6346

Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2000 12:14:34 UTC