Re: Cognitive Access Three Types of guidelines or strategies?

Perhaps one thing that makes this so difficult is that we are 'missing' a
piece of assistive technology.
In the physical world ramps and doorways are designed to be used by
wheelchairs (not the people in them). On the web we consider how screen
readers, braille displays etc will be able to interpret the page, we do not
try ro make pages directly accessible.
Trying to make pages directly accessible for CD is sort of like insisting
that all pages be 'self voicing'.  If screen reading/translating software
were available for CD then we could define reqirements that support its
How 'far-fetched' is such a program? Could we make some assumptions about
how it would work if it existed and define requirements on that basis?
Even better, can some of us with the 'connections' try and get someone
interested in trying to develop such a program? This sounds like something
the NSF should be investing in.


Received on Sunday, 30 April 2000 05:20:47 UTC