Re: Definitions

aloha, marti!

your point is quite well taken -- if we have learned anything from the CD 
discussion on this list, it is that in order to move forward, we must first 
define what it is we are attempting to accomplish and for whom, in the 
hopes that it will lead us to the how...

work on a more extensive and robust glossary needs to be pushed up the 
agenda slash deliverables chain...


At 05:56 PM 4/27/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I had to jump off the line quickly but I did want to say that both our
>discussion and various 'user' comments I have encountered recently point to
>a real need to look at and modify the glossary.
>User comments I have heard recently range from "Huh!" to "could you please
>put that in English".
>Our group also seems to spend a fair amount of time and effort just agreeing
>on terms. Perhaps the real starting point is not
>Guidelines/Checkpoints/Techniques but Terms.
>(I recently spoke to a group of 'web designers' that had no idea what was
>meant by structural element markup - they actually thought that <h1> etc.
>was there to easily adjust fonts because that is what they has been told by
>Maybe we should have some suggested 'prerequiste reading' or link all terms
>to an expanded glossary.

Received on Thursday, 27 April 2000 19:24:05 UTC