Can one page/source accommodate CD users and others?

Gregg wrote:
 >For most access measure we recommend,  we don't change the format that
 >everyone would see but only recommend alternatives that could be viewed by
 >people who have trouble with the original form.   Most of your
 >recommendations seem to recommend changing the way everyone would see a page
 >so that it would work for people with CD.  This often makes the primary
 >presentation of the page less usable for others - perhaps for all.
 >1)   Do you (does anyone) have any ideas for how to make a page more
 >accessible in a way that doesn't change the presentation for others?  (like
 >ALT text, long desc, closed captions, alternate OBJECT content etc.)

It sounds to me like we may be hitting up against the limits of the
"universal page design/single source" model for web design, and
identifying a place where adaptive user interfaces are necessary.

Does this sound like the case?

(I'll stop now before I sound too much like an ad for Edapta, who,
of course, make adaptive user interfaces... ;) )
Kynn Bartlett  <>         
Director of Accessibility, edapta        
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director               
Next of Kynn: a quasi-regular web log 

Received on Sunday, 9 April 2000 21:54:43 UTC