RE: Sheet Music

>===== Original Message From "Jonathan Chetwynd" <> =====>That 
might sound a tad eowg, but somehow the guidelines need to be people
>not technology centred and reflect the fact that accessible means different
>things to different people.

Okay, how?

I, for one, am sold, and have been sold on this for quite a while.
I'm just waiting to hear some specific ways to meet the needs of
THESE people.  If you're expecting ME to figure that part of the
problem out, it's not going to happen -- I'm not the expert on 
CD, I'm the expert on web design.  Tell me what you know needs to
be done, and we can go from there.

So, uh, how do we meet the needs of these people?  I still have
had little concrete information this.  Here's a hint:  Saying
"use pictures!" means -very very little- in this context.

Kynn Bartlett <>
My Browser Is Faster Than Yours

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2000 17:08:59 UTC