Re: woodcutter

Re: Dead man's Handle, and problems maintaining an animated feel whilst

Did you try clicking on the graphics?

My site was an attempt to provide a means of browsing the web for someone
who is non-literate, and had low expectations.
ie they would probably be unwilling to click on symbols they did not

Dead man's handle is the bottom line, if the client does not interact you
better start trying to entertain them.
Stop as soon as they do and try to build confidence.

superior graphics of macromedia help a lot, however they do not aid browsing
much in my experience, the problem being that once off site they stop

i'd really like to see a mm standard that allowed authors to link to each
other as in html, and allow a fluid transition.

ie without reloading what in the main might or could possibly be similiar

css probably offers enough motion to imitate drivethru5.

special needs teacher
web accessibility consultant

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2000 09:30:20 UTC