facelift, frames, navigation and accessibility

Despite my title of webmaster (I actually just write html), I have
questions which, hopefully, are elementary for true masters of web

The site I work on is undergoing a facelift.  Currently we use frames
and are unsure whether we should continue this.  The advantages are
obvious: twice in the past year we made changes in the navigation menu,
which meant simply adjusting one document.  If we were to include the
navigation links on each and every page, it would take weeks to make
changes to the thousands of pages in our site.  I know this from

On some pages I've included a "no frames" link, by simply using the
TARGET="_top" link.  But how could I create a "navigation frame" link to
each page, without having to create a copy of each page with a frame
extension in the title (ie.

Is there a JavaScript that could handle this?

And how does web accessibility affect all this?  Is it now safe to use
frames for browsers such as Lynx, or Palmtop computers?

Looking forward to any advice, examples of good practice, suggestions,


Kris Walmsley, Webmaster
Institute on Independent Living
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Received on Monday, 22 November 1999 05:57:49 UTC