You are cordially invited

You have been selected and thus are cordially invited to the grand 
opening of  Second Genesis: Preparing Jews and Gentiles for the 
coming of the Messiah. Additionally, learn how you can escape the 
destruction coming upon apostate Jews and systemic Christianity. 
Some of the subject area include but are not limited to: 
Pentecostalism: Idolatry and Demonism. The Synagogue: Seat of 
Satan. Catholicism and Judaism: Mark of The Beast. The Trinity: 
The Mark of Sin. The Scarlet Women. Balaam: The Sorcerer. The 
Messiah's Faith. The Fall of Jerusalem. The Doctrine of the 
Apostles. Exegesis of the book of Daniel, Ezekiel, and 
Revelations. Prayer Request Page. Bulletin Board, Books and much 
much more. Goto

Received on Thursday, 2 September 1999 16:43:20 UTC