Re: Fw: Checkpoint 3.3

By default, the WAI has already moved itself into poilicy making.  Would not
this follow other W3C efforts were standards are set but companies chooes
not to follow.  Same arguement could be made here, expcept now there are
coutries basing their decision on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG).  Furthermore, U.S. courts are referring to the WCAG in
settlements;however, Cynthia Waddel can speak to this.  The WAI is already
in this position without a disclaimer.

Jason wrote> So far, no concrete evidence has been presented in this forum
or the interest group, to indicate that the guidelines are being used
inappropriately, or unthinkingly, by governments.
rob> the guidleines are being noticed and not sure how to interpret this
comment.  I am not arguing that "guidelines are being used inappropriately,
or unthinkingly, by governments"  However, it is not speculation that the
U.S. government will endorse the full guidelines.  This is the expected
result as based upon good information.  Second, the United States Department
of Justice is conducting a survey for Agency conformance to the
Rehabilitation Act Section 508.  The web is one questionnaire that I am
filling out and they do use the WCAG.

jason wrote> contrary which have appeared in recent discussions have been
based on unconfirmed surmise and reactionary speculation, hardly amounting
to the kind of factual detail which should be taken seriously.
rob>see previous comment and your comment as i read it is incorrect.

jason wrote> A disclaimer of some kind would probably be useful as a means
of avoiding inappropriate application of the guidelines document, but in
formulating its criteria and technical recommendations, this working group
should not move into the realm of policy making.
rob> we are already there!  we are providing policy.  we cannot hide behind
the status.  How do other do other standards group in the W3C handle this?
We cannot put our head in the sand and say we are not influencing what other
people are doing.


Received on Tuesday, 20 July 1999 05:09:40 UTC