RE: Reading level and metadata

At 04:24 PM 6/22/1999 -0400, Chuck Hitchcock wrote:
>All of this is made more complicated by the mix of readability and intended
>audience.  We don't really want adults reading material which was originally
>written for 4th graders simply because that is the appropriate reading level
>for their skills.  This might be ok if they are still struggling with
>to read but it is not ok if they are trying to figure out why there was a War
>Between the States.

Correction, Chuck, we really DO want adults with a 4th grade reading level
to be able to access information on the causes of the Civil War, and if
they must read material which was originally written for 4th graders in
order to do so, they should not be dissuaded. An aside: Even among the
PHD's who can write well above the head of the 4th grader, there is no
ready concensus on the "why's" of that war!!!!	


Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 1999 16:57:09 UTC