PRI - 4 animation and movies

ISSUE - 4:  One of the commenters felt that many of the messages in the
public archive address important issues (in particular, Eric Hanson's
revision to checkpoint 1.3)
They also felt that animation should be included in many places in the
document to accompany "movie" e.g. in Guideline 1, checkpoint 1.3. They
thought perhaps, "video and animation" would be better terms.  Reason for
the suggestion, is that they are referred to as video and animation in
multimedia literature.

PROPOSED RESOLUTION:  Checkpoint 1.3 has been revised to address the issues
raised.  Also some other changes have been made to reflect other comments on
the list (see change log for details).  Note that there are limits to what
we can do to change the guidelines however, once they have gone to proposed

SPECIFIC WORDING:   RE Checkpoint 1.3
For your analysis, three versions of the checkpoint are shown here.  First,
the checkpoint as it was in the proposed recommendation. Second the
checkpoint after the last teleconference call.  Third, a new version to
incorporate the "animation" issue.

1.3 For each movie, provide an auditory description of the video track and
synchronize it with the audio track. [Priority 1]

1.3 Until most video player technologies can generate an audio description
of the video track from a text equivalent (see checkpoint 1.1), provide an
auditory description of the video track (synchronized with the audio track
per Checkpoint 1.4)

1.3 Until most audio-visual player technologies can use speech synthesis to
generate an auditory description of the video track from a text equivalent
(see checkpoint 1.1), provide an auditory description of the video track
(synchronized with the audio track).  This also applies to animations that
are accompanied by sound or time based user interaction.    [Priority 1]

[Rationale:  there is no need for an audio description of a silent animation
unless it is tied to time based interaction with the page (e.g.  they need
to do something when a particular visual event occurs)  in which case it is
important to know when something is happening visually.  ]

Received on Monday, 26 April 1999 12:06:30 UTC