PRI - 2 Why Use Only W3C Technolgies?

ISSUE - 2   One AC Member thought that guideline 11 almost mandated using
"W3C technologies" and they thought this should be more broadly generalized
to encompass   "technologies and specifications arrived at through an open
industry consensus process, such as W3C specifications".
They also felt that renditions using proprietary technologies may be
justified by business considerations and not only as a "last resort when all
other solutions fail."  However, they did feel that in such situations the
user should be able to select an accessible rendition based on open
consensus standards.

PROPOSED RESOLUTION:  To clarify that the W3C technologies are specified
because of their unique characteristics such as internal early review and
approval for accessibility and built in accessibility considerations  as
well as the open industry consensus process.
We would also clarify that in cases where proprietary or inaccessible
technologies must be used (and these would include good business cases) that
it was OK as long as an accessible alternative was provided.  However,
separate but equal, should only be used where there is a good reason.

SPECIFIC WORDING:   What are your thoughts?

Received on Monday, 26 April 1999 12:04:15 UTC