Re: new version WITH CHECKLISTS. please review.

It was implied in Wendy's message but: the guidelines, checklist and
technique documents are all available from this mailing list home

> warning:  we recently started using scripts to generate the guidelines.  My
> guide and brain throughout the adventure, Ian, has been in Italy since
> Wednesday (lucky him <grin>) and things haven't been working as expected.
> Needless to say: beware of broken links, strange formatting, and the like.
> This release is to get approval from the group on the following list of
> changes before going public in the near future.  Ian and I will have
> matters straightened out before we take the current information public, of
> course.
> Primarily, please notice:
> 1.  we have removed priorities from guidelines
> 2.  in the guidelines document, we call the points following each rationale
> "checkpoints" rather than "techniques."  There are several reasons for
> this:  a.  in discussions, people were miscommunicating about the
> techniques doc or the techniques in the guidelines.  b.  a technique is a
> concrete way to satisfy a checkpoint.
> 3.  The issues list has been split into two documents:  one for the
> guidelines document and one for the techniques document.  These are far
> from complete, but it's a start.
> 4. we have created two "checklists."  one contains only priority one
> checkpoints, the other contains all three levels of priority checkpoints.
> Note that these are grouped by categories (images & image  maps, tables,
> etc.)  These are rough (notice the placeholders in the top headers), but
> are to give a proposal of a direction to head.  Note:  you will see all
> kinds of strange codes in there such as [+Galt-images].  Please ignore,
> these are directives for the scripts to create links to the guidelines
> document.  Again, once the scripts are up and running, these will be taken
> care of.
> Again, we apologize for broken links or other weirdnesses.  Please stay tuned.
> I am out all next week (snowboarding in snowy (I HOPE) Oregon).  I will be
> returning to the office December 28th.
> Happy Holidays!  Be well,
> --wendy (for the editors and chairs)

Received on Monday, 21 December 1998 07:35:49 UTC